Rachel Northen Sex & Relationship Therapy in Leeds

About Relationship Therapy. Doves

What to expect from Relationship Therapy

Life is challenging at times and relationships can either be the cause of stress or suffer as a result of external elements.

Couples may struggle to find a way to manage or overcome the problems that have an influence on themselves and their relationship. Conversations about difficult or 'hot' topics can lead to arguments or couples avoid talking and the issue remains unresolved.

A relationship therapist/couples counsellor can provide a safe, neutral space in which to express thoughts and feelings about a situation. Couples are encouraged to fully listen to their partner's point of view and to be listened to in return. Increasing understanding of each other can reduce conflict and enable a more co-operative partnership . The therapist role is not to take sides but to help facilitate a way through conflicts to find acceptable compromises or new ways forward.

Common issues that bring people to see a Couples Counsellor include:

  • anxiety and depression
  • health problems
  • stress from work
  • communication difficulties
  • difficulties around intimacy
  • family conflict
  • bereavement
  • infidelity
  • differing views (e.g. child rearing, finances, housework, hobbies, fidelity)
  • cultural/religious difference

    Some difficulties in relationships have their roots in early life. For example, a child brought up in a family where talking about feelings was discouraged may develop into an adult who finds communication about emotional topics challenging. Difficulty in expressing our own emotions or listening to a partner's feelings may lead to a loss of intimacy or cause unhappiness within a relationship. In some cases, it can be helpful to discover how couples may be affected by early life messages and to consider whether these messages are useful now, or whether a different approach could be more fruitful.

    For some couples, therapy may be an opportunity to decide whether their relationship has a future and if not, to end the relationship in a positive way.

    Relationship Therapy can be attended by couples or a single person. Those attending alone may be not be in a relationship currently and want to understand both why previous relationships haven't worked out and to build skills and confidence for future relationships. Alternatively, they may be in a relationship but need time and space to consider any aspects that they are struggling with without involving their partner.

    If you are interested in Relationship Therapy/Couples Counselling in North Leeds or online, please get in touch. I can offer a brief conversation via email or phone if you would like to find out whether Relationship Therapy/Couples Counselling might be helpful for you.

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