Rachel Northen Sex & Relationship Therapy in Leeds

Frequently Asked Questions

How long are sessions?

Sessions are 50 minutes in length

How many sessions will I need to attend?

This depends on a variety of factors, such as the nature of the difficulty, level of support needed and commitment to trying exercises. However, the majority of people attend for between 4 and 16 sessions. In some cases, a single session may be sufficient as just having the opportunity to talk openly can bring quick changes. Other clients may find that they need to attend longer term if their difficulty is more complex or resistant to change.

How often do I need to attend?

Most people attend either weekly or fortnightly, especially in the early days of therapy. However, your requirements will be taken into account when booking appointments.

Do I need to bring my partner with me to sessions?

No, you can come on your own to discuss the issues that are concerning you. Sometimes it can be helpful to have your own time to think things through and try different approaches.
It can be useful for your partner to attend too, at some stage, as sexual difficulties generally affect both individuals in a couple and seeing a couple together can lead to a better outcome.

I’m currently single. Is there any point in sex therapy?

You may find that sex therapy is still helpful when you’re single, especially if your sexual difficulty is affecting your confidence and preventing you from meeting someone new. Talking about your difficulty and thinking ahead of ways to manage or overcome problems in a new relationship can also be very beneficial.

Will I have to do anything physical in the sessions?

No. You will never be asked to do any physical exercises during your appointment. However, I may suggest some activities for you to do alone or with a partner at home and I will ask for feedback at the following session.

Can you prescribe medications or book physical tests and examinations

No. If it appears that you might benefit from medical intervention, e.g. blood tests, medication, physical examinations etc., I will suggest that you speak to your GP about this.

What therapeutic approach do you take?

I take an integrative approach which combines different therapeutic approaches depending on the requirements of the client. I most often use Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Systemic and Psychodynamic Therapies.

Will Sex Therapy fix my problem?

Most people find that they finish therapy having either reached their initial goal, or have gained a greater understanding and tools and techniques to enable them to have a more enjoyable and fulfilling sex life. However, some issues are more difficult to treat, especially if there is also a complex physical element that cannot be resolved. Even in these situations, people often find that they finish therapy with a greater understanding of themselves and a more positive approach to sex and intimacy.

Will Relationship Therapy fix my problem?

Relationship Therapy can help people to gain a greater understanding of themselves and their partners. It can reveal areas within the relationship that may be unhelpful and equip individuals/couples with the knowledge and skills to improve their situation. In some cases, people access Relationship Therapy to help in the process of separation. HThere are situations where Relationship Therapy is less likely to be helpful, for example, where one person is having a secret affair or there is domestic violence or abuse present in the relationship.

What options are there for support?

I offer online (via Zoom) and telephone appointments.

How much do sessions cost?

My fees are:

Couples - £65
Individuals - £55


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